Hally’s Writing
Growing up, it never occurred to me to be a writer.
Most likely, I figured writers are readers, and I never was. Listening well and taking copious notes got me successfully through high school, college, and graduate school while reading very (with a capital “V”) little. Those two skills have also been a huge help in my career as a counselor.
I did, however, write poems and verses as a kid.
I enjoyed the rhyme — perhaps the order and symmetry of it. That’s my adult-brain theory. I remember vividly writing a Christmas poem as a young teen. It was several stanzas long, and my parents displayed it on the fridge, sharing it with family and friends throughout that holiday season.
Seasons of writing…
During my first stint as a stay-home mom, I took a creative writing class through St. Louis Writers Workshop. That was 2001. In the last twenty years, there have been times of regular writing and those when my writing was limited to planner notes, workplace assignments, and checks connected with children.
Life is rarely orderly or symmetrical.
Most of my writing to date exists under my previous name, Hally Franz. The links below will connect you with devotions, blog posts, and articles written during those unorderly and uneven years. I hope you enjoy them. Now, I resume this writing journey and will be sure to keep you posted.
By the way, somewhere along the way, God gave me the ability to focus long enough to read and comprehend. Though not a fast reader, I can now slow my head in order to both concentrate and savor a good book. That has been a blessing and a joy!
Selected Writing by Hally:
The Joy of Pulling Weeds, and more
Hally’s articles for The Christian Pulse include The Joy of Pulling Weeds, Waging War on Immorality, and Turbo Teaching.
Daily Devotionals
Hally’s Daily Devotionals for The Wesleyan Church.
Plant a Tree
Hally’s article for The Book Club Network: Plant a Tree, Grow a Memory.
For the Love of Trees
Keeping it real when it comes to gossip: Hally’s article published in Girlz 4 Christ.
Pick-Up Game
Hally’s tip as part of advice on How to Get Your Children to Pick Up Their Things, published by Focus on the Family.
Magic or Muscle?
Hally’s post for Writing from the Heart in which she notes that being a mom is much more about muscle than magic.